Kolme Vaihetta/Three Stages Durasi: 04:57 Oleh: Saaga Talvensaari Asal: Yogyakarta
Deskripsi: The video is about my story during the pandemic and it depicts the complexity, yet simplicity of the situation I am currently in. The three contrary worlds of culture and social life meet, Finland, China and Indonesia. The subject of the video explores my experience and the emotional stages during the pandemic and the portrayal of these stages through oil paintings that depicts me and my partner. The beginning and the end of the video represents similar moments of gathering in different times and countries, before and during covid-19. My adaptation to a completely new way of life, from Finland, to China, and now to Indonesia, led me to a conclusion that everything is similar, and made me realize that I can find comfort in surprising places. Even though I arrived here alone, I was never truly lonely. In extreme situations humans are inclined to find joy in simple things, and they subconsciously observe the beauty of nature and kindness of everything surrounding them in a new light. I placed a huge value and importance on the subtle expression that can indicate a lot, and evoke different feelings on person to person. The paintings were made partly consciously and subconsciously, and only at the end, I realized that the videos I captured, inspired me to create the most important details on my paintings.