Transporter & Transformer Durasi: 03:00 Oleh: Tiarma Dame Ruth Sirait x Gilang Anom Manapu Manik Asal: Bandung
Deskripsi: We live in a complex transnational and global meeting mixing and clashing of different cultural perceptions at an increasing rate and pace as never seen before. Careful attention is needed in the treatment of our traditions; not just preserve them, but imbue them with life in the context of the present day that they will have meaning in the current global art horizon. In the work, Transporter & Transformer, we transport cultural images & ideas from diverse visit places & experience into a contemporary piece that can be appreciated by the public across continents. The pandemic has been a catastrophe of diverse layers of human life, which effects the health, mobility, economy etc. We don't know how long this pandemic will take, we don't know how long we have to stay in distance and after all this, we are sure that the world wouldn’t be the same. As artist, we are forced to rethink and find solutions with our creativity. Questioning about how we could bring our work to the audience in a different way, brings us to rethink about the medium used in our art. Video mapping became a challenging form of expression, communication & interaction for us...