
A. Rachmat


Malam di Malioboro

1950-an - awal 1960-an

Cat minyak pada kanvas

71 x 91 cm

Koleksi Museum Seni Ketimuran, Moskow
Inv 10664 II
Disumbangkan oleh Vilen Sikorsky pada 2014

Lukisan ini menunjukkan suasana malam hari Jalan Malioboro¾satu dari jalan-jalan utama di Kota Yogyakarta¾dengan jalan berwarna cokelat dan sejumlah rumah beratap rendah yang dipasang papan nama. Di sebelah kanan tampak beberapa orang tidur berbaring di tanah, di bawah kanopi dalam sorotan lingkaran cahaya lampu listrik. Di bagian tengah lukisan digambar dua pria berdiri di trotoar. Ada juga seorang wanita mengenakan kebaya merah, syal biru di lehernya, dan bawahan kain panjang sedang berjalan melewati kedua pria tersebut. Di pojok kiri bawah terdapat tulisan yang sulit dibaca. Di balik kanvas terdapat label kertas dengan nama seniman dan nama lukisan: A. Rachmat, Malam di Malioboro.

Malioboro Night Street

1950s-early 1960s

Oil on canvas

71 x 91 cm

The State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow. Inv. 10664 II
Was donated by Vilen Sikorsky in 2014

The painting shows the night street scene of Malioboro, one of the central streets in the city of Yogyakarta, with a brown roadway and a row of short houses with signboards on them. On the right of the foreground you can see several people sleeping, lying on the ground under a canopy in a circle of light from an electric lamp. In the center of the painting two men are drawn on the sidewalk. There is also a woman in a red kebaya, a blue scarf around her neck and a long brown sarong, walking past the men on the street. In the lower left corner is an inscription in Indonesian, which is hard to read. On the reverse side, there is a paper label with the artist's name and the name of the painting in Indonesian: A. Rachmat. Malam di Malioboro.