
Museum Seni Ketimuran (Moskow)

Museum Seni Ketimuran, Moskow adalah salah satu institusi kebudayaan terbesar di dunia untuk preservasi, riset, dan penyajian koleksi seni ketimuran. Museum ini berlokasi di pusat kota Moskow di sebuah gedung bersejarah yang dikenal dengan the Lunins’ House, sebuah bangunan rumah pribadi yang dibangun di awal abad ke 19 oleh seorang arsitek kenamaan Domenico Gilardi.

Pameran permanen museum meliputi galeri yang memamerkan seni dari Tiongkok, Jepang, Korea; Asia Tenggara dan Vietnam; Kaukasia dan Asia Tengah, termasuk koleksi seni yang menawan dari Iran, India dan negara-negara Budha di Asia Tengah. Museum Seni Ketimuran memiliki koleksi seni luar biasa karya Nicholas Roerich, seorang pelukis kenamaan dunia yang juga seorang teosofis dan penulis, serta karya putranya Svyatoslav Roerich dimana karya-karya tersebut sebagian besar sedang dipamerkan.

Museum ini juga memiliki berbagai program tahunan seperti upacara minum teh, yoga, kelas master dan lokakarya, kuliah umum, kelas untuk anak-anak, konser musik, film, serta pertemuan para peneliti dan spesialis di bidang seni ketimuran.


The State Museum Of Oriental Art

The State Museum of Oriental Art is one of the biggest cultural institutions in the world for preservation, research and display of Oriental art. It is located in the center of Moscow in the historical building known as the Lunins’ House, a private residence built in the early 19th century by the famous architect Domenico Gilardi.

The permanent display of the Museum includes galleries of Chinese, Japanese, Korean; Southeast Asia and Vietnam art; as well as art from The Caucasus and Middle Asia, and a profound collection of fine art from Iran, India, and Buddhist countries of Central Asia.

In addition, the State Museum of Oriental Arts holds an outstanding collection of Nicholas Roerich, world famous painter, theosophist and writer, and his son Svyatoslav Roerich, most of which is on display. The Museum also preserves a wide archeological collection, which also includes applied art of the Northern people of Russia.

The Museum holds a wide program of activities on an annual basis, including tea ceremonies, yoga, master classes and workshops, lectures, classes for children, music concerts, films, conferences for researchers and specialists in Oriental Art.

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