Cat minyak pada kanvas
60 x 84,5 cm
Koleksi Museum Seni Ketimuran, Moskow
Inv. 10679 II
Disumbangkan oleh Vilen Sikorsky pada tahun 2014
Restorator: Irina Solovyova (2018)
Digambarkan suasana pantai. Banyak perahu nelayan putih-merah-hijau dengan ujung yang melengkung ke atas. Di bagian depan, dua nelayan sedang memutar jaring. Ujung perahu yang merah tampak di sebelah kiri. Pada latar belakang, tampak banyak perahu dengan layar tipis berkembang, mengambang di air berwarna pirus. Di balik lukisan terdapat label kertas dengan nama seniman dan judul lukisan: Sjawal Sutrisno, Nelajan.
Oil on canvas
60 x 84.5 cm
The State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow
Inv. 10679 II
Was donated by Vilen Sikorsky in 2014
Restorer: Irina Solovyova (2018)
The painting shows the seashore, with numerous white-red-green fishing boats with high curved bows pulled out upon it. In the foreground, two fishermen are twisting a net. The red bow of a boat is visible on the left. In the background a lot of boats with light sails raised are floating on the turquoise water. On the reverse there is a paper label with the artist's name and the name of the painting in Indonesian: Sjawal Sutrisno. Nelajan.